Thank you for your interest in our Extended Transatlantic System program. The world as we know it changed too quickly, and our website couldn’t keep up! We are reviewing our programs to reflect this reality. We do, however, remain more committed than ever to the unity of mankind through federal world government. International developments have only confirmed the necessity for more global integration and democratic reform.
In the meantime, here are both in-house and external sources for further reading on the topic of the extended transatlantic system:
Streit Council and Affiliates Publications
Further Reading:
Scholz and Macron threaten trade retaliation against Biden - Politico - Hans von Der Burchard, Clea Caulcutt - October 27, 2022 - Read Here
2022 Survey of Public Opinion on US Foreign Policy - The Chicago Council on Global Affairs - Dina Smeltz, Ivo H. Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, Emily Sullivan - October 20, 2022 - Read Here
A Compass and a Concept: A Guide to the EU and NATO Strategic Outlooks - EPC - Ricardo Borges de Castro, Rita Mendonca Barbosa Amorim Lobo - September 09, 2022- Read Here