Advisory Board
Giles Scott-Smith
Stanley R. Sloan

Luis Cabrera is the Deputy Head for the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He has published widely on issues of global citizenship, migration ethics and regional, and global governance from a cosmopolitan perspective. He also has been centrally involved in the development of a grounded normative theory and methodological approach to academic research, which entails directly conducting empirical research to enrich normative theorizing. He has conducted related field research in India, Mexico, Southeast Asia, several European Union countries, Turkey and the United States. Cabrera is a member of the Griffith Asia Institute and Centre for Governance and Public Policy. He is the author of The Humble Cosmopolitan: Rights, Diversity and Trans-State Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2020), The Practice of Global Citizenship (2010), and of edited volumes, Institutional Cosmopolitanism (Oxford University Press, 2018), Global Governance, Global Government: Institutional Visions for an Evolving World System (2012), Political Theory of Global Justice (2004).
Debasish Roy Chowdhury is a Hong Kong-based Indian journalist and co-author of To Kill a Democracy: India’s Passage to Despotism (2022). He has written extensively on Indian politics, society and geopolitics. He is a Jefferson Fellow and the recipient of multiple prizes, including the Human Rights Press Award, the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) award and the Hong Kong News Award. Debasish has lived and worked in Calcutta, Sao Paulo, Bangkok, and Beijing. He has worked in a number of editorial postings including The Telegraph, The Statesman, Hindustan Times, Asia Times Online, South China Morning Post, China Daily, This Week in Asia, and more recently, TIME Magazine. Chowdhury holds a Bachelor and a Master in Economics. He has contributed extensive research towards both Chinese and Indian political dynamics. He is also author of The Alien Next Door: Media Images in China and India (2020). His articles are published in The New York Times, TIME Magazine and various other news outlets.
Tad Daley, JD, PhD, is Director of Policy Analysis at Citizens at Citizens for Global Solutions. He holds a BA in Political Science from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, an MSc in International Relations from the University of Southampton in England, a JD from the University of Illinois College of Law, and a PhD in Public Policy Analysis from the RAND Graduate School of Policy Studies and the RAND/UCLA Center for Post-Soviet Studies. He has previously served as a speechwriter, policy advisory, and coauthor for former U.S. House members Dennis Kucinich, Diane Watson, and John B. Anderson as well as U.S. Senators Harris Wofford and Alan Cranston. He was a Visiting Scholar at the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations. He primarily writes about the abolishment of nuclear weapons, ending genocides, reinventing the United Nations, and all manner of American political topics. He is author of Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World, and his most recent contributions include “Seven Centuries Ago, Dante Imagined the End of War and the Unity of Humankind” and “Tad Daley on the Idea of a Global Republic.”
John Davenport, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at Fordham University. He also serves as Associate Chair of Philosophy and Associate Director of Environmental Studies at Fordham, and in various offices for the Kierkegaard Society USA -- most recently as Society President. Professor Davenport has published widely on theories of justice, the rule of law, human rights, democratic theory, and other topics in philosophy including theories of autonomy, free will and responsibility, existential conceptions of practical identity, virtue ethics, and philosophy of religion. He has published and lectured on the need for a federation of democracies, culminating most recently in a book titled A League of Democracies: Cosmopolitanism, Consolidation Arguments, and Global Public Goods (2021). He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame and a B.A. in Philosophy from Yale University.
Farsan Ghassim, Ph.D., is a Junior Research Fellow in Politics at Queen’s College in Oxford. He is an expert on global governance and survey methods with a focus on how people want the world to be governed. Before joining Queen’s, he held postdoctoral fellowships at the universities of Lund and Maastricht. He worked at the German Foreign Ministry, for the President of the European Parliament, and at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Farsan holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Oxford, an MA in Global Affairs from Yale University, and a BSc in Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He is the author of numerous publications including Public Opinion on Institutional Designs for the United nations: An International Survey Experiment, Global Citizens Want a Stronger and More Democratic United Nations, Citizens Worldwide Want a Stronger and More Democratic UN, The Politics of Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: A Theoretical Framework, Public Opinion on Institutional Designs for the United Nations: An International Survey Experiment, Majorities Support Global Democracy, Political Parties Can Benefit, and Who on Earth Wants Global Democracy – and Why (Not)? A Theoretical and Experimental Study of International Public Opinion.
Ettore Greco is Executive Vice President of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, and Head of the Multilateralism and Global Governance Program of the institute. He was also Director of the IAI from 2008 to 2017. In 2008, he was a Visiting Fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution. He is an expert in transatlantic relations, EU foreign and security policy, EU enlargement and its constitutional reform, Balkan issues, and Italian foreign policy. Previously, he served as Adjunct Professor of EU Institutions and EU Foreign Policy at the University of Parma; Visiting Fellow at the WEU Institute for Security Studies; and Visiting Fellow at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. He is author of many publications on transatlantic matters. Greco received his M.A from the University of Pisa.
Lyubomir Ivanov, Ph.D., a native of Bulgaria, is an expert in foreign policy. Dr. Ivanov is a founding member of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria. He is the founder and President of the Manfred Worner Foundation since 1994. He was Coordinator of the Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program for Bulgaria of the German Marshall Fund. Formerly a member of the Bulgarian Parliament and Chairman of the Greens Parliamentary Group, he was co-author of the new Bulgarian Constitution and in 1991 Parliamentary Secretary of the Foreign Ministry. From 2001 to 2005, he was an advisor to the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and since 2002 has been a member of the Presidential Council on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration. Until 2019, Dr. Ivanov was also a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His numerous publications, including two books, cover many diverse subjects, such as foreign policy, mathematics and linguistics. He was educated at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University, where he received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Logic and his M.Sc. in Mathematics.
Charlie Laderman, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer in International History at King's College London, and part of the core team responsible for directing the Centre for Grand Strategy. Prior to joining King's College London, he was a Research Fellow in History at Peterhouse College, as well as an Affiliated Lecturer in Grand Strategy and Geopolitics at the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge. He completed his Ph.D. in International History at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in History and Politics from the University of Nottingham, and a Master of Philosophy in History from the University of Cambridge. He was previously a Fox International Fellow at the Whitney and Betty Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies, and Smith Richardson Fellow in International Security Studies, both at Yale University, and an AHRC Fellow at the Kluge Center, Library of Congress. He has had postings as the Harrington Faculty Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin and a research fellowship at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. He has published widely in academic journals and periodicals and magazines. He co-authored Hitler’s American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germans March to Global War (Basic Books, 2021).
Giles Scott-Smith, Ph.D., is Dean of Leiden University in The Netherlands, where he is also Professor of Transnational Relations and New Diplomatic History. His research interests broadly cover the role of non-state actors and public diplomacy in the maintenance of inter-state relations, particularly in the context of the 'transnational transatlantic'. From 2013-2016 he was Chair of the Transatlantic Studies Association. In 2017, as one of the organizers of the New Diplomatic History network (, he was a founding editor of Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society published with Brill. He is joint editor of the Key Studies in Diplomacy book series with Manchester University Press, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Contemporary History and New Global Studies. His most recent works include The Transatlantic Era in Documents and Speeches 1989-2020 (Routledge, 2021) and Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America’s Image Abroad (Manchester University Press, 2016).
Brendan Simms, Ph.D., is a Professor of the History of International Relations and Director of the Center for Geopolitics at the University of Cambridge, where he lectures for the MPhil Program on the History of European Geopolitics. He is the founder and President of the think tank Project for Democratic Union, which supports a full political union of the Eurozone. Professor Simms also founded, and is currently the President of the Henry Jackson Society, a think tank dedicated to fostering a strong British and European commitment to liberty; constitutional democracy; human rights; governmental and institutional reform; a robust foreign, security, and defense policy; and the transatlantic alliance. His publications include He co-authored Hitler’s American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germans March to Global War (Basic Books, 2021), Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire 1714-1783 (2008) and Unfinest Hour: Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia (2001).
Stanley R. Sloan, Ph.D., is the founding Director of the Atlantic Community Initiative, a Visiting Scholar at the Rohatyn Center for International Affairs at Middlebury College, and Nonresident Senior Fellow at The Atlantic Council's Center on International Security. He is also Owner and President of VIC-Vermont, a private consulting firm. He was educated at the University of Maine (BA), Columbia University's School of International Affairs (MIA), and American University's School of International Service (PhD). He served as a commissioned officer in the USAF and worked at the CIA, as NATO and European Community desk officer and Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Western Europe. He was employed by the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress from 1975 to 1999, and retired as the Senior Specialist in International Security Policy. From 1997 to 1998, he was the rapporteur for the North Atlantic Assembly (now NATO Parliamentary Assembly) special presidential report on "NATO in the 21 st Century." Dr. Sloan has lectured widely on Euro-Atlantic security issues at the NATO College in Rome, the Geneva Center for Security Policy, and the Wilton Park (UK) Foreign Office conference center. He is author of numerous publications, including: NATO's Future: Beyond Collective Defense, 2012; NATO, the European Union, and the Atlantic Community: The Transatlantic Bargain Challenged,2005; Transatlantic traumas: Has illiberalism brought the West to the brink of collapse? 2018; and De-Trumping U.S. Foreign Policy, 2021.
Trygve Throntveit, Ph.D., is Director of Strategic Partnership at the Minnesota Humanities Center, Global Fellow for History and Public Policy at the Wilson Center, and co-founder and director of the Institute for Public Life and Work (IPLW). He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Harvard University, where he also served as Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies before joining Dartmouth College's inaugural cohort of John Sloan Dickey Fellows in US Foreign Policy and International Security. A scholar of US intellectual history, politics, foreign policy, and civic life, Throntveit seeks opportunities to dissolve the boundaries separating academic and public life and to make institutions more porous to the knowledge and wisdom of citizens. Since 2016 he has edited The Good Society, the flagship journal of the transdisciplinary Civic Studies field, and in 2021 he co-founded Third Way Civics (3WC), an effort to infuse civic learning and purpose into undergraduate curricula while transcending the Civics and History Wars now undermining American education and public life. All these endeavors are informed by Throntveit’s longstanding interest in the history, theory, and practical necessity of robust yet democratic international governance. He is the author of dozens of articles and chapters as well as two books: William James and the Quest for an Ethical Republic (2014) and Power without Victory: Woodrow Wilson and the American Internationalist Experiment (2017).
Kenneth Weisbrode, Ph.D. is a diplomatic and cultural historian currently an Assistant Professor of History at Bilkent University, Turkey. He received his PhD from Harvard University, where he studied under Akira Iriye and the late Ernest May. He is the author of Old Diplomacy Revisited: A Study in the Modern History of Diplomatic Transformers; Churchill and the King: The Wartime Alliance of Winston Churchill and George VI; and The Atlantic Century: Four Generations of Extraordinary Diplomats who Forged America's Vital Alliance with Europe. He is the co-founder and managing editor of the journal New Global Studies, which seeks to promote an interdisciplinary and world-historical study of international relations. He also founded the Toynbee Prize Foundation's Network for New Diplomatic History, and holds a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University.